TO QUERY / It's getting tricky...

How to play?

Time to update this artwork. Help the exhibition specialist put a more modern version in place. Can you manage to put a computer inside the container with just a query?

Let's go!

Need help?

To interact with a database, we use a language called SQL (Structured Query Language). Keep in mind that each "table" contains words and each word has its own "id".

Here's a guide for your first query: :
• Start with "SELECT" to pick an object (don't forget to add the type of object you'd like to pick - in our case it's a "word")
• Then write "FROM" to indicate from which table you're going to pick your word (here, it could be "table 1" or "table 2")
• Finally, add "WHERE", followed by the ID of the word, to state which element you'd like to select (let's say "id = 1")

Here's a query example: "SELECT word FROM table 3 WHERE id = 3". It's up to you to adjust "DELETE" allows you to remove the object you've made appear inside the container. Using the same example, you could use "DELETE mot FROM table 3 WHERE id = 2"

table 1

id word
1 monkey
2 banana
3 horse
4 sun
5 apple

table 2

id word
1 computer
2 chair
3 shoe
4 glasses
5 t-shirt

The goal is to place a computer inside the container.

You have objects listed in "tables" at your disposal.

Each "word" as an "id". Do you rememer how to write a query? If not, click on the lightbulb to get some help.

Watch out for spaces and capital letters while typing your query, they do count!

SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 1

SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 2

SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 3

SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 4

SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 5

SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 1

SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 2

SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 3

SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 4

SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 5