This singular artwork keeps evolving, miscellaneous objects are placed one after the other inside this gigantic container. Why don't we try to put some too?
How to play?
Time to update this artwork. Help the exhibition specialist put a more modern version in place. Can you manage to put a computer inside the container with just a query?
Let's go!
To interact with a database, we use a language called SQL (Structured Query Language).
Keep in mind that each "table" contains words and each word has its own "id".
Here's a guide for your first query: :
• Start with "SELECT" to pick an object (don't forget to add the type of object you'd like to pick - in our case it's a "word")
• Then write "FROM" to indicate from which table you're going to pick your word (here, it could be "table 1" or "table 2")
• Finally, add "WHERE", followed by the ID of the word, to state which element you'd like to select (let's say "id = 1")
Here's a query example: "SELECT word FROM table 3 WHERE id = 3". It's up to you to adjust "DELETE" allows you to remove the object you've made appear inside the container.
Using the same example, you could use "DELETE mot FROM table 3 WHERE id = 2"
id | word |
1 | monkey |
2 | banana |
3 | horse |
4 | sun |
5 | apple |
id | word |
1 | computer |
2 | chair |
3 | shoe |
4 | glasses |
5 | t-shirt |
The goal is to place a computer inside the container.
You have objects listed in "tables" at your disposal.
Each "word" as an "id". Do you rememer how to write a query? If not, click on the lightbulb to get some help.
Watch out for spaces and capital letters while typing your query, they do count!
SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 1
SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 2
SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 3
SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 4
SELECT word FROM table 1 WHERE id = 5
SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 1
SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 2
SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 3
SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 4
SELECT word FROM table 2 WHERE id = 5